C10 Ashmount Business Park, Swansea T: +44 (0) 1792 700 225 E: info@powerandwater.com
Soneco®, Power & Water's patented, award-winning technology offers a sustainable liquid chemical-free water treatment process with reduced energy requirements.
The Soneco® electrocoagulation water treatment process relies upon electrodes made from specific metals within the system to treat the water. Traditionally, during wastewater effluent treatment, these electrodes are fouled in a process called passivation and will need to be cleaned and eventually replaced.
With the Soneco® unique cleaning-in-place ultrasound technology, we have eliminated the primary weakness of electrocoagulation - passivation. Ultimately, Soneco® ensures a superior wastewater treatment process without the additional costs of increased energy consumption and more frequent electrode replacement.
Read more about the Soneco® passivation resistant technology.
The compact, modular design of Soneco® makes it the ideal choice for any job - small or large. Much like traditional liquid chemical dosing, the treatment unit can be installed as a stand-alone system and easily integrated into existing water treatment processes, or used alongside a number of proprietary processes.
Soneco® can be programmed for a variety of effluent treatment requirements by simply operating the control unit and changing the electrode material.
The following processes can be achieved:
See some example process configurations.
To hear more on how our expertise and technologies can change your company, please contact us.